Sales Made SIMPLE & Finding Your Zone of Brilliance with Dorothy Villeneuve

December 22, 2022

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In this episode, I have Dorothy Villeneuve, an international marketing and sales consultant. She helps business owners gain confidence with their sales skills and understand how to lay out proper sales processes. Dorothy and I discuss how sellers can get more comfortable with selling by using her framework for success. If you’ve ever felt ‘weird’ about selling, this episode is for you! 

Show Notes: 

04:00 Starting Out      

Dortothy assures us that it’s pretty normal not to be naturally comfortable with sales. A little discomfort in sharing your ideas is typical. The good thing is, if  you know there is value in what you are offering, you will come across more genuine. 

08:43 Possibilities      

A lot of people teach aggressive sales based on pain points, which doesn’t feel very natural. Dortothy teaches “pitch free” selling and relationship based sales. This makes it a more human experience and less pushy. People generally ask you the questions versus you asking them the questions.   

12:10 Scarcity     

You have to create a shift in belief for your audience before they become a buyer. You should be talking about misconceptions and providing as much information as possible about what you are presenting so they understand more about the topic. This is something you should do in person and all across your social media pages.     

20:40 Framework       

Dortothy has a framework that she built when it comes to mastering sales. (S) Sales mindset by boosting confidence. (I) Implement daily systems. (M) Monetize your value, finding the intersection between passion and payout. (P) Produce value, using information as support. (L) Leverage simple systems. (E) Expect success. 

29:00 Entrepreneurship        

Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster, and you are never going to have it figured out one hundred percent. Learning how to sell is going to have its ups and downs. It’s having confidence in your direction that matters.


Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Visit Dorothy’s Facebook:

Visit Dorothy’s Instagram: @dorothyvilleneuvecoaching

Check Out Dorothy’s Website:

My Website:

Connect w/ me on Instagram: @lifeonfolsomfarm

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