Free Resources

healthy food on table with journal

Simple Game Plan for Busy Moms

This course helps you build a rock solid foundation around my favorite simple habits that will help you get on a path to living your most energized, joyful lives! It’s a simplified system, easy for any mom, no matter how busy, to implement and transform her life!

Do Your Crap Podcast

Do Your Crap Podcast

In this podcast, I help you learn and do the unsexy habits that will help you build a legendary life. I will help you bust through the crap that’s holding you back and break down the simple habits and mindset shifts that will help you rock every aspect of your life.

master your morning blurb image

Master Your Morning Routine

In this workshop, we unlock what your unique morning routine looks like and I’ll help you create some simple habits that will lead to more purpose, productivity and peace in your day!

Recent Recipes

Buckwheat Fresh milled Flour Pancakes

Buckwheat Fresh milled Flour Pancakes

Our family absolutely loves these homemade buckwheat pancakes! They've quickly become a weekday staple. I love ...
Favorite Bread Machine Sandwich Bread Recipe w/ Freshly Milled Flour

Favorite Bread Machine Sandwich Bread Recipe w/ Freshly Milled Flour

Enjoy our family favorite bread machine recipe that uses freshly milled flour! This loaf comes together so fast ...
Meatloaf for our Family of 8 w/ Ancestral Ground Beef

Meatloaf for our Family of 8 w/ Ancestral Ground Beef

Here at Folsom Farm we love to gather around the table as a family and share a meal. It connects us and makes us ...
Sourdough Sandwich Loaf Recipe + Time Saving Tips

Sourdough Sandwich Loaf Recipe + Time Saving Tips

Have you learned about how great sourdough is for our gut? That’s what got me so interested in starting to make ...

Recent Blog Posts

My Morning Routine MUSTS As a Mom of 6

My Morning Routine MUSTS As a Mom of 6

As moms, how often do we wanna slow down time so we don’t miss the magic that’s in front of us in this season of ...
Fresh Sourdough Bran Muffins That the Whole Family Will Love

Fresh Sourdough Bran Muffins That the Whole Family Will Love

I was searching everywhere to find a sourdough bran muffin recipe and couldn’t find one that I loved so I took ...
Sourdough Waffles + Healthy Swaps For The Whole Family

Sourdough Waffles + Healthy Swaps For The Whole Family

Can I be real with you, mom to mom?? It can feel super overwhelming when you’re trying to eat healthier and have ...
Creating Alignment in Your Business

Creating Alignment in Your Business

PART 1: Identify Your Resistance There is a big difference in running a business with constant friction ...

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

Please enter your info below, then check your inbox for a link to access the Simple Game Plan For Moms for FREE.

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By providing your email address, you are agreeing to receive emails from me, Micah Folsom, that include your promised download and other support tips and tricks to help you on your journey! You will always have the option to unsubscribe, if you'd like.

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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