5 Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for holiday parties, baked goodies and family feasts – oh my!

Though it’s the time of year that brings lots of cheer, it also brings A LOT of unhealthy habits. Sure, it’s easy to hide your indulgences under your baggy sweaters and layered ensembles, but wouldn’t you rather enjoy the holidays in a healthy manner and feel guilt-free about it?

If you answered ABSOLUTELY (who wouldn’t?), then checkout these helpful tips for surviving the holidays while still treating yourself to your favorite delights!


  1. Drink up.
    It’s easy to forget to hydrate yourself this time of year, and more often than not your body is confusing thirst for hunger! Skip out on those sugary drinks and opt-in for water—- or my personal fave, Shakeology!
  2. Snack before you party.
    Overeating on an empty stomach is pretty common. Before heading to a holiday party – especially one you know will be filled with chips, dips and cookies – eat a healthy snack at home! That way you can enjoy (in moderation) the treats you really love without going overboard.
  3. Bring a healthy dish.
    Ask the holiday party host if you can bring an appetizer or entrée dish to the party – they’ll most likely take you up on the offer. Now that’s a win, win!
  4. Get up and move.
    With chilly temperatures and snowy days, it’s easy to cuddle up on the couch for hours on end. Sure, your Netflix is tempting, but just think about bikini season – it’s not as far away as you think! Move around now and you’ll be thanking yourself later. Find a workout that you love and doesn’t require you to go out in the wintery temps at all! Beachbody on Demand offers hundreds of workouts for you to do at home! Grab your 14 day free trial here.
  5. Leave the house prepared.
    When you’re on the go, it’s so easy to forget to grab a healthy snack – which is usually when those pit stops at the Wetzel’s Pretzels in the mall food court usually happen. Yikes! To save yourself from the sugar-packed, energy-lacking waste of food, throw a handful of nuts or an apple in your purse for some on-the-go nutrition.
Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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