Build Your Legacy Direct Sales Business

with my no-burnout Blueprint

In this 70-minute-golden-nugget-packed Masterclass, I’ll share with you exactly how I do business differently.

no burnout blueprint micah folsom masterclass

Did you know that there’s a better way to reach the level of success you’re seeking?

In my 11 years in the direct sales industry, I’ve seen and worked with many leaders who have burnt themselves out. Not by choice, but because they didn’t know there was a better way.

That’s always left me wondering…
What am I doing different from them?

And then it hit me while I was at a mastermind retreat 💡 I do things differently.

I take the No Burnout Road.
Micah folsom no burnout blueprint

On the No Burnout Road, we grow our business(es) sustainably, with joy, in alignment w/ what matters most while weaving in all our passions. 

Sounds pretty magical, right?!

Grab your seat on my next Masterclass and I’ll tell you everything 🥳

The 3 Essentials I’ll Reveal in the Masterclass:

  1. Your Heart Tugs are Your Superpower
  2. Building IS Rebuilding
  3. THE Recruiting Reframe for Longterm Success

What I’ll reveal in this masterclass isn’t your average advice to avoid burnout. This is about doing LIFE differently. It’s about refining and simplifying so you can find joy in all you do! I’ll share fresh ideas on how to do business that I believe will change the way you think about, everything!

Hi, I’m Micah 👋🏼

  • Wife to a cattle rancher + large animal veterinarian
  • Homeschool mom of 6 kiddos
  • Creator of the brand Life on Folsom Farm
  • Creator of the Ignite Your Life course
  • Founder of Team InspirNation 
  • Host of the Top 50 Podcast, Do Your Crap
  • One of the Top Earners in the Network Marketing Industry, earning 7-figures annually for over 5 years now*
  • Launched another family business in 2023 – Folsom Farm Beef
  • Currently in my ‘homemaker + homeschool era’

And YES. I’ve built all of this without ever sacrificing what matters most to me… experiences & relationships with my family.

direct sales success team

This Masterclass Is For You IF….

👉 You’re building a direct sales business but you’re not getting the traction in your income that you want.

👉 You’re building a direct sales business AND earning income, but you’re on the Burnout Road. 

👉 You’re building a direct sales business but you have other passions, ideas and business ventures you wanna pursue alongside your business, but not sure how to best navigate that.

👉 You used to be active in direct sales but you’ve failed, quit or gone a different direction, YET you miss the community.

Most likely because you were on the Burnout Road and found the dead end – BURNOUT. You see the vision of direct sales, but never had the tools or mentorship to go the distance and build what you know is possible.

*BODi does not guarantee any level of success or income from the BODi Partner Opportunity. Each partner’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Distributor Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Partners.
folsom no burnout masterclass
© 2024 | Micah Folsom. All Rights Reserved.

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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